The Villagers Theatre proudly presents this tour de force one-man show inspired by the tour Charles Dickens performed of his classic holiday work in the United States during the late 1860s. In finest tradition of the troubadour-actor, Michael Kroll takes the stage with only a few hand props, a table and chair and carries the audience into this classic Christmas tale. Mr. Kroll not only becomes narrator and story teller, but also portrays the entire ensemble of unforgettable Dickens’ characters in an evening of “A Christmas Carol.” This is not a reading of the story, but rather Mr. Kroll actually performs as over 30 characters in this amazing one-man show. Well known for his character work in countless community and regional productions, area audiences have followed Michael Kroll for over 20 years in the role of Scrooge in local productions of the musical of the same name. An ardent fan of both Dickens and “A Christmas Carol,” Mr. Kroll began crafting his solo interpretation of the material several years ago.