Norman, Is That You?

Norman, Is That You?

Production Staff

Director Edward Lawrence
Producers Vivian Lazzara, Elliot Glickman
Stage Manager Ernie Lazzara
Stage Crew Sue Sturner, Ilissa Friedberg, Warren Waitt
Set Designer Bill Jamieson
Set Construction Ken Lyons, Ernie Lazzara, Paul Labbe,  John Lyons, Stan Sitko, Bill Jaimeson, Bob Lyons
Set Decoration Ellie Howland, Georgene Callahan
Lighting Design Paul Labbe
Lighting Crew Martin Szani, Paul Lawrence, Gary Levine
Publicity Joan Berke
Photography Paul Labbe
Sound BJ Danziger
Refreshments Judy Moss, Vicki Van Zandt
Box Office Vivian Lazzara
Program Barbara Berkowitz
Art Gallery Alyce Joyce
Artist Carol Friedman


The Cast

Norman Chambers Michael Jacobs
Garson Hobart Jay Leve
Ben Chambers Bernard Velenchik
Mary Lynn Labbe
Beatrice Chambers Betty Richter