Last of the Red Hot Lovers

Last of the Red Hot Lovers

Production Staff

Director Vivian Lazzara
Stage Manager Ernie Lazzara
Assistant Stage Manager Beverly Gorelick
Set Construction Ernie Lazzara, Bill Gorelick, Lou Lettieri, Ken Lyons, Paul Labbe, Bill Jamieson
Set Decoration Pat Marotta
Lighting Design Kent Lauzon
Lighting Crew Bill Gorelick, Anita Susi
Publicity Bernie Velenchik
Photography Paul Labbe
Sound Elliot Glickman
Refreshments Missie Godwin
Box Office Vivian Lazzara, Marion Mangano, Betty Brown
House Manager Elliot Glickman
Program Barbara Berkowitz


The Cast

Barney Cashman Warren Erhardt
Elaine Navazio Marion Mangano
Bobbie Michele Shari Upbin
Jeanette Fisher Eileen Lacy