
For over forty years, The Villagers Theatre has been providing quality entertainment and community service to Franklin Township. Our Main Stage typically includes six shows, where we also try to appeal to a broad spectrum of the theater-going public.

The Zaidi Theatre (often referred to as the Black Box or Stage II) was added to the Villagers Theatre in 1988. From the time of its construction until the fall of 1996 it served only as a “multi-purpose room,” being used to host our Kidsvill series, rehearsals and special events.  Occasionally, it was used as a performance space for shows that needed more intimacy than provided by the main auditorium or that were a bit more challenging than we felt was appropriate for our traditional Main Stage audience.

That is until the fall of 1996, when it became the permanent home of our “Black Box Series.” It was in this series where we regularly presented more intimate and challenging productions.  And in 2012, it also became home to our “Villagers Independent Producer Series” or “VIP Series”. These two series is where directors, actors and audience members have “a safe place to do unsafe things.”

The Villagers Main Stage theatre seats 222. Our Zaidi/Black Box seats approximately 100 depending on configuration. Both theaters are handicap accessible.

In addition to our popular Main Stage and Black Box productions, Villagers Theatre manages many performance and culture arts programs, for young and old.

Select a program from the menu on the left, for more information.